We believe in growing together with our employees

Our staff have been the backbone of our growth contributing directly and indirectly towards our development. In turn, we are committed towards the safety, wellbeing and progress of our staff.

We are one family working towards a common goal of growing our company and its business. Our teamwork and commitment have helped achieve great business successes.

Employee Welfare Initiatives

We, at Asian Agro (Pvt) Ltd are committed to ensuring the ongoing welfare of our employees by caring about their health, psycho-social & holistic well-being. Our ultimate aim is to promote efficient, healthy, happy and productive environment within the organization.

“Heath is the wealth” As a responsible, quality Coconut kernel based products supplier with immense pleasure would like to announce you that we have assured that our Production staff is in good health. Your trust is our growth and we carry out this annual Mediacal Campaign to assure that our products are manufactured under the best hygienic method with a healthy staff and it is also our joy to see that our Production staff is in good health.

Some of the annual employee welfare programs we conduct

Responsibility of Humans to the Greater Society

CSR Initiatives

In supporting sustainability in the communities we work in, we have organized initiatives and activities that engage and uplift the communities. Through these initiatives we also hope to improve awareness of our employees on the responsibility of humans to the greater society.